Always Never!
The Eternal Kingdom of Never is made possible by appointment as Minister Of Never of The Twin Kingdoms of Elgaland-Vargaland which grants all its citizens the gift of immortality.
Always Never!
The Eternal Kingdom of Never is made possible by appointment as Minister Of Never of The Twin Kingdoms of Elgaland-Vargaland which grants all its citizens the gift of immortality.
The Eternal Kingdom of Never welcomes all forms of relationships to Time. Chronometric, existential, metronomic, geologic, quantum entanglement, alternate timezones, eons, nanoseconds, hemi-demi-semi quavers. synchronicity, simultaneous multiplicities, anterior futures, moments, beats, pauses, lost time, made-up time, that one time, sometimes, most of the time, all the time, at all times, always and never. Always moving, never arriving. Always never!
Citizens of the Eternal Kingdom of Never believe in never believing, believe in nothing — they believe in Never: the one true void. The primeval abyss of Time before time. Nowhere Never exists. Always Never!
Never un-grounds Always as the precondition of Now, Could be, Will be and Has Been. Time returns to Never at the edge of time. Time qua sequence of events returns to Never: the asymptotic nature of time. Always moving, never arriving.
Never is the purest dominion of process, the ultimate quality of simply being. The simplicity of the process unfolding. Always Never!
In the irrepressible chaos of noise-time fragments, the dominion of Never encapsulates all other forms of time, temporalities and paradoxes. Closely related but distinct from the bicephalic nature of the Twin Kingdoms of Elgaland-Vargaland’s dominion over spatial liminality, the absolute continuity of Never is unquestionable — a totalizing metaphysical principle surrounding and constituting being. Always already Never!
Andrew Friend is an artist and designer who’s work explores experience, and the relationship between people, landscape, and their desires. He is The Eternal Kingdom Of Never's Minister Of Milliseconds.
Jasmin Blasco is a multi-disciplinary artist who approaches time-based media as the site where sound, image, and language conspire to generate fictions. He is The Kingdom Of Never's Minister Of Never.
Sitraka Rakotoniaina is a designer who's specialty lies in crafting narratives through objects and artifacts, using these devices as a form of storytelling to question and excite. He is The Kingdom Of Never's Minister of All Day Every Day.